Debunking 10 Myths About Wrongful Death Lawyers: A Closer Look at the Industry

  • November 12, 2023
  • 2 minutes

The world of law and litigation is often shrouded in misconceptions, half-truths, and outright fallacies, particularly when it's about complex legal concepts like wrongful death suits. This lack of understanding can lead to misinterpretation of the role of wrongful death lawyers, their practices, and the complex dynamics of the legal system. Today, we shall embark on a journey to debunk ten of the most common myths surrounding wrongful death lawyers.

Myth 1: Every Death Is a Wrongful Death

The first myth to debunk is the perception that every death due to an accident, injury, or disease is a wrongful death. In legal parlance, a wrongful death occurs when a person's demise results from the negligence or misconduct of another individual or entity. Hence, the key determinant here is the provable negligence or willful misconduct, not merely an unfortunate event.

Myth 2: The Offender's Criminal Conviction Guarantees a Successful Wrongful Death Suit

Some people assume that if an offender is criminally convicted, a successful wrongful death suit is a foregone conclusion. However, the reality is that criminal and civil cases have different standards of proof. A criminal conviction requires "beyond a reasonable doubt," whereas a civil case like wrongful death merely requires "a preponderance of evidence." Thus, a criminal conviction does not automatically translate into a successful wrongful death lawsuit.

Myth 3: Only the Spouse or Children Can File a Wrongful Death Suit

The third myth revolves around who can bring a wrongful death claim to court. The assumption is often that only the deceased's spouse or children can initiate such cases. Contrarily, depending on the jurisdiction, parents, siblings, or even dependents can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Myth 4: The Statute of Limitations Is Always Two Years

Another common myth is about the time limit to file a wrongful death lawsuit, often erroneously believed to be universally two years. However, the statute of limitations varies from one jurisdiction to another. Moreover, certain conditions can “toll” or pause the statute, extending the duration.

Myth 5: Wrongful Death Lawyers Always Require Upfront Payment

A major misconception about wrongful death lawyers is that they always require upfront payment. However, most operate on a contingency basis, meaning they get paid a percentage of the settlement or judgement only if the case is won.

Myth 6: You Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit at Any Time

This falsehood suggests one can initiate a wrongful death lawsuit at any point after the death has occurred. As stated in Myth 4, timing is significant, and delay can lead to forfeiture of the right to sue due to the statute of limitations.

Myth 7: Wrongful Death Lawsuits Always Go to Trial

Contrary to popular belief, many wrongful death cases are settled out of court. A trial is only necessary when the parties involved can’t reach a settlement agreement.

Myth 8: Only Tangible Losses Are Compensable

This myth suggests that only tangible or financial losses can be compensated in a wrongful death lawsuit. In reality, intangible losses such as pain, suffering, emotional distress, and loss of companionship are also compensable.

Myth 9: Wrongful Death Compensation Is Tax-Free

Another misconception is that wrongful death compensation is entirely tax-free. Though much of it is often non-taxable, certain elements, such as punitive damages, can be subject to taxation.

Myth 10: Wrongful Death Cases Are Fast

Wrongful death cases can take years to resolve due to the complexity of establishing negligence, assessing damages, and navigating through the legal process.

In summary, understanding the intricacies of wrongful death litigation requires more than layman's knowledge of the law. This complex field demands a high level of expertise, and wrongful death lawyers play a pivotal role in deciphering the legal jargon, navigating the intricacies, and guaranteeing justice for the aggrieved parties. Debunking these myths is a step toward a more comprehensive understanding of this critical legal niche.

Learn More

Unearth the power of justice and arm yourself with knowledge by delving deeper into our enlightening blog posts about wrongful death lawyers. They are encouraged to explore our comprehensive rankings of Top Wrongful Death Lawyers in Phoenix for an informed choice.